I just wanted you to know, I truly enjoy your e-mails from the God Chaser also Finding Favor With the King! It has truly been a blessing. I have most of your books and I've even read them more then once!
I have now stepped out of the boat and have joyfully jump into Gods deep water to have a stronger and more passionly love relationship with my Abba Father. I'm sharing my testomony with everyone I meet and tell them just how good He is.
Thank you for caring enough to e-mail me daily it is truly helping my walk! may our Lord Blessing run you down and over take you in every area of your life and minisrty!!!!
Love your sister in Chirst, Valeria
Although I knew of Tommy Tenney for years, I only recently read God Chasers.
The timing of it just had to be God. I grew up in the Lutheran tradition, and although I have had a little bit of exposure to Charismatic or Pentecostal events, I personally never experienced a baptism of the Spirit or profound touch of God in my life until this last Spring. I was never prayed for by the laying on of hands, until that time, but the last two years my hunger for God has been increasing. I learned about fasting, and began to fast and pray and seek His face. God answered my prayer for more of Him in such a beautiful way! I received a powerful impartation of the Father's heart of love when Leif Hetland (Global Mission Awareness) prayed for me during a special service where he was the guest speaker. Since that time, I have been on a journey of increasing intimacy with my Heavenly Father, and the more I passionately pursue Him, the more He allows Himself to be found by me.
This is all to say that I would not have been prepared spiritually to read God Chasers until this summer, I believe, so the timing of it was so good. I began to weep just reading the introduction! I just picked up your devotional, Experiencing His Presence, and wept when I read Psalm 84 out loud, the first day's Scripture reading, and I did not stop crying while reading the rest of the devotional. Something about Tommy's books just makes me cry! He touches on something deep and profound that is welling up in my heart - a growing desire for God's presence. Nothing else satisfies.
I have truly become a God Chaser and my desire is for more and more of His presence in my life. I desire the Dove to be with me every day. I didn't even realize what true intimacy with my Heavenly Father was until just a few months ago. I didn't even realize He desired to be so close to me. I am astonished at His love. He has ruined me for all others.
Thank you, so much, for these books and for your ministry. God has used your books to minister to my heart and to deepen my hunger and thirst for Him.
Greetings Pastor Tommy,
I pastor in South Africa.
It is a long while now that I have wanted to write you and let you know what an inspiration you have been to us. (I guess you get this all the time) but in my case, your books have really revolutionized the way we have church, relate to God and relate to humanity. I have taken some of your material and preached from it on many occasions. In fact I have just concluded a series of 7 sermons from your book "Chasing God Serving Man."
It is truly an honor to have a man like you who pursues God relentlessly to then be able to help the body of Christ be better equipped in so many areas of ministry,service and worship. I thank God for you and pray God's continual blessing on your life and family.
Dennis N.
Dear Bro. Tenney: I recently had the pleasure of hearing you preach. You gave me a book at the end of service about finding favor with the King. Pastor Tenney I have longed to meet you ever since I read your book The God Chasers while I was locked up in prison. It changed my life. I finally decided to become a God Chaser. So many years I spent running from God. I grew up in the church, but like the chapter on “No Bread in the House of Bread, I started just feeding on stale bread crumbs of past glimpses of the Father. I had no real experience with God. This led me down a spiral of sin. First it seemed like innocent fun, then partying, ending in a destructive and compulsive addition to crack cocaine. Three marriages and 12 years later I found myself in a pit that I couldn’t get out of. I felt like Samson in the arena after his eyes had been plucked out and his strength was gone.
I had never been to prison before this felony for forgery. I never thought that it (drugs) would take me down like this. I’ve never seen my biological father; it’s always been me and my mother since I was born. She raised me in the fear of the Lord. I would never have thought in my wildest dreams that I would become a drug addict. Nevertheless, after many attempts to wake up from this nightmare I found myself violating probation, parole, and then being sent to prison.
I received The God Chasers from a fellow inmate. For some unknown reason I knew it was specifically for me to read. Bro Tenney, I tell you, the moment I started reading it, my spirit leaped inside of me. I urgently had to get in prayer and supplication; not only for my sins, but for his will to be done in my life on this earth. My life was completely changed. Every night I would read God Chasers and every night I would be on my bunk crying out to the Father. Being in a prison dorm situation (100 bunk beds in one room) it was a humbling experience to be crying uncontrollably while inmates walk past starring at me. I didn’t care, I was A God Chaser. “I had to die.” “I had to learn how to handle the Holy.” “I had to learn how to seek his face, not his hands.” My mother always told me “seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness” (Matt. 6:33); not money, not cars, not women; but I never understood until I read The God Chasers.
Thank you for giving to the Lord! Yours in Christ,
A Fellow God Chaser
Pastor Tenney recently ministered at my church, in Georgia. Pastor Tenney prophesied, toward the end of the message, that someone would leave that day and have a message on their cell phone that would demonstrate the favor and faithfulness of God. Praise the Lord, I was that someone.
I received the call that Sunday afternoon from Bank of America - it was a job offer. You see, I had been praying for a new job for several years. I had several promising prospects during that time, but no actual offers from reputable companies. I was not unemployed (and not really underemployed), but the job that I had did not allow me to be as active in the ministry as I desired. Well, the Lord heard my prayers and delivered me from a desert place. I am so grateful for my new position! My previous schedule was unstable (I worked for a 24/7 grocery chain), but now I work Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. I do apologize for not contacting you sooner, but I have been busy in the ministry and spending time with my 2 year-old son, Hunter.
Thank you so much for allowing the Lord to use you to deliver His messages of salvation, hope, correction, and love. I appreciate you and your ministry. And, I pray for God's favor in your life and in the GodChasers ministry!
God Bless You!!
Your prayer partner,
My dad grew up here in the Pineville/Ball area. This is where all of his family lives including me, his daughter, and my son, his grandson. For years he has wanted to move back home to be near all of us, but every job interview he had just never worked out-either because the particular company didn't offer him anything better than what he was already receiving from his current job or the timing just wasn't right. He, my step-mom and my brother currently live in Texas near Houston.
Well, a couple of weeks ago he had an interview here in Pineville at a construction company for their Safety Manager position.
One of GodChasers prayer partners called one weeknight after his interview and asked if there was anything that he could pray with my dad about. My dad asked him to pray about the job situation. The very next morning, my dad got a call from the consruction company offering him the position. He will be receiving better pay, benefits, a company car, cell phone and gas paid. He has two weeks to move here!!! This is not only an answer to prayer for my dad, step mom and brother, but it is an answer to pray for me and my son. Now my son will be able to grow up around his grandparents and uncle! My dad will be able to spend more time with his family because he won't be on the road so much!
Thank you for your prayers, for your obedience and the work you do at GodChasers.
Thank you Jesus-for continuing to answer our prayers-and for making a way when there seems to be no way.
I am from South Africa and after reading 'God chasers' and 'Heart of a God chaser' wanted to attend his fall camp this year but due to financial restraints were not able to do so, and have since started bible college through my home church, as 'luck' would have it I got a chance to attend his weekend seminar in Centurion South Africa recently and it changed my ideas radically. I just finished 'Secret sources of power' and having drunk in that book very very slowly to let it all of it sink in I can say honestly as I went through that book it changed me, bit by bit but it changed me so much, I am about to start reading 'Finding favour with the King' and even though I work fulltime and spend most evenings in the bible college I still make time for your books, you really are a gift from God to touch our lives through your books and live ministry. I just wanted to say thank you for being someone who is willing to make yourself less so that others can see More of God. Thank you . Godbless.
Jaco, South Africa
Pastor Tenney
You came to the church I attend and you spoke of the little tree and demonstrated how take us little by little and strips us of our outer layer, then sets us in the sum to dry out, boy o boy, you sure told my story. I have know the Lord all my life, my Grandmother took me to church every Sunday, to confession every Saturday, she was a devote Catholic, I was raised Catholic as was my mother, sisters and other member of the family, my mother pulled away when I was 11 or 12, she took me to a tent revival, Billy Graham, it sure did scare me, but I never forgot it, from that time on the Lord was prepping me, but I did not realize that, I was seeking, looking for what I needed to bring my soul to the place I needed to be, I went through a lot, and then I was very ill, in the hospital, dying, I was going for surgery, very scared, I knew that I was not in right standing with the Lord, the Monk who kept trying to talk to me as me if I wanted another man of God to come to me, I told him to send a Pentecostal Preacher, and to my surprise he sent one, he told me what I needed to do to become born again and what it meant, I prayed the sinners prayer, the next day when I was heading down for my surgery I was in a panic, a nurse came to me and asked if I wanted her to pray with me, I said yes, she laid her hand on me, it was like I received a shot of something, I was so relaxed, I had my surgery and even though they said I would be in the hospital another month, I went home in 7 days and back to work in three months. I have been doing for the Lord every since the day He healed me and opened my eyes and heart. I am so blessed. You told my story!
Thank you for coming to my church, I hope to see/hear you again, I will have you in my prayers.
Again, thank you.
God Bless You and Yours,
Jerry T.
just wanted to give a quick praise report and thanks for your prayers.
God has blessed me with a new and bigger house! Not only that but, God
lowered the price of the house and then lowered the closing costs as an
extra bonus. The blessings keep coming in, God blessed me with a new
big screen TV where I can watch more ministering DVD’s and VHS videos!
Financially, God has really blessed me by giving me another job while
getting severance pay from the previous job. That means that I am
getting paid double salary for the next few months. My motorcycle was
stolen and then God blessed me with the motorcycle that I had been
desiring and was told had been sold out for the remainder of the year.
God has been knocking homeruns in my life over and over again and
again. I have learned to stand on God’s word and never doubt or waver
in faith. Satin tried to steal my joy and get me to speak against what
I was believing God for, but he failed! . Now, I am blessed to the
gills and my family is astonished! That’s not all, the Lord has called
me into the ministry as a Teacher. I have met with my Pastor and have
become a Minister in Training. I thank God for you and I thank you for
allowing God to use you to minister to me and the rest of the world. I
have moved into a more intimate relationship with God.
What a totally awesome weekend we experienced from your ministry at Harvest Christian Centre in
Park Hills, MO! I didn't want it to end. It was so neat that the Interns got to stay an extra day with us. We so enjoyed their ministry and feel a special connection with them, and with all of you! What a joy it is to be a part of the Family of God and to be able to "hang out" with fellow God Chasers, worshipping and praising His name. Please FEEL FREE to share my email address with ALL of this year's Interns. I would simply LOVE to hear from any and ALL of them!
Thank you for writing a book that challenges. Thank you for writing a book that heals. Thank you for daring to reach out beyond the norms of worship to demand a greater response to God. I do not know if I am a God Chaser or a God Catcher or neither of these. But I do know that this hunger I feel inside is not abnormal or unhealthy now. I do understand that all that we went thru (and are still traversing) was part of God's plan for me to find Him and know Him more. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is more to God than I ever thought before -- and I long for that moreness even though I can't quite name it or describe it. And now at the end of your book, I am for the first time in a long time OK with where I am. And if others do not understand or even ridicule this aching longing inside me, well... it was always only between God and I anyway, wasn't it?
God Bless...